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Key Stage 3 Maths

In Years 7 and 8, maths teaching at Westfield focuses on ensuring that students master key concepts in depth. Pupils learn how to be fluent in the mathematical basics that they will need to access future learning, as well as how to apply these skills to problems presented in a variety of different ways to prepare them for GCSE style questions.

Pupils are taught in ability groups throughout Key Stage 3, all following the National Curriculum. Our emphasis is on enjoying maths through a varied curriculum, whilst ensuring all basic number, algebra, shape and statistical skills are thoroughly addressed. Pupils are assessed every 12 weeks and set changes take place as appropriate to ensure that challenge remains suitably ambitious.

These students will follow the White Rose scheme, a summary of which can be seen below:

Year 7

Year 7 maths learning scheme

Year 8

Year 8 maths scheme

It is important to note that students will move through these schemes of learning at the correct pace for them. In practice, this will mean that some students will move through these schemes faster than others, based on the speed at which they master concepts. Students who find it particularly difficult to master maths skills will be given further support through our highly regarded maths intervention.

Beyond the Classroom 

  • The Puzzle of the Week competition is attempted by many students every week.
  • UKMT Maths Challenges are undertaken by over a hundred students per year, with many certificates achieved and several students progressing to the next stages.
  • The KS3 Maths Puzzle Club is attended by some very enthusiastic young mathematicians.
  • Our Chess Club proves very popular with many young people attending weekly.